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Eye Injury Lawyer - Accident Compensation Claims

LAWYER HELPLINE: 855 804 7125

A catastrophic injury lawyer is a specialist personal injury advocate with expertise in serious personal injury compensation claims including blindness and vision loss. Our eye injury lawyers offer a wealth of experience relating to blindness and vision loss compensation claims and give advice at no cost with no further obligation on liability and the potential value of a catastrophic injury damages claim. Payment for services is based on a contingency fee basis which means that our eye injury lawyers only get paid when you get paid. If the case is lost there is nothing whatsoever to pay. There are time limits in all personal injury compensation claims and failure to take legal action within the limitation period can mean that the opportunity to claim compensation is lost forever. If you have suffered from blindness or vision loss or other catastrophic injury caused by a negligent third party you should contact an eye injury compensation lawyer without delay.

Our personal injury lawyers can help you to assert your legal rights and get the compensation that you deserve following an eye injury, causing full or partial loss of vision, as a result of carelessness or negligence by another person. If you, or someone you know, have suffered an eye injury and you would like to know if it is possible to claim compensation, just call the helpline or complete the contact form or email or our offices. An eye injury lawyer will telephone you with free advice.

Vision Loss

Thousands of serious eye injuries occur each year in Canada. Those at greatest risk are children and young people who are often careless about eye protection and engage in activities that can injury the eye. Eye injuries can be divided between puncture wounds, corneal abrasions and crush injuries. Some eye injuries are temporary and heal themselves, yielding recovered vision. Others cause some level of permanent vision loss or blindness dependent on the degree of injury and the level of treatment.

Loss of vision tends to be severe and vision is rarely something that comes back again once injured. While vision loss can be completely accidental with no negligence on anyone’s part, some causes of vision loss are due to the neglect or purposeful act of another. Vision loss can be bilateral, meaning that both eyes are affected (a ‘catastrophic injury’) causing total blindness, unilateral, meaning only one eye is affected or partial, meaning there is not a complete loss of vision but there is enough vision loss to affect the way the person sees out of the affected eye. Total blindness in both eyes caused by a car accident is considered to be a catastrophic impairment, which justifies increased levels of benefit in a negligence compensation claim.

Traumatic Injury

Vision loss can result from many different incidents including a motor vehicle accident, a sports injury, a penetrating injury, criminal acts or fall. About seven out of a thousand individuals suffer from vision loss after an accident or injury. When it comes to people under the age of 25, ocular trauma is the number one cause of loss of vision. Eyes are best protected by using proper protective gear. This is especially true of sports like lacrosse, football, baseball and hockey. Eye wear should be used when appropriate at the workplace, especially when molten metal, chemicals and grinding is around.

Vision loss is most often traumatic, including a direct blow to the eye which can damage the eye permanently or cause immediate blindness. There can be puncture injuries that damage the eye and permanently affect the vision again to the extent of blindness. The doctor investigating vision loss must determine the cause of the injury and the degree of vision loss. Not all vision loss is permanent and not all vision loss is complete.


Eyelid injuries are relatively common. The eyelids protect the eyes and must be kept intact. If the eyelid is just bruised, it will generally heal. If the eyelid is lacerated, it must be carefully sutured back together as to restore the integrity of the eyelid. It is important not to disrupt the integrity of the tear ducts or the eyes will be permanently dry.

Physicians Overview of Vision/Eye Loss

The loss of vision or perhaps the loss of an eye can come from many sources. Vision loss alone is usually the result of certain medical diseases and less likely to be due to trauma. Loss of vision has many medical causes, including:

Many people suffer from what is known to be “low vision” in which there is some vision but the patient cannot really function as a seeing individual. Visual acuity is severely diminished and many can only see a type of contrast sensitivity or will have an obstructed field of vision.

Signs that a person is suffering from low vision include difficulty recognizing even a familiar face, difficulty reading even large print, and difficulty seeing potential hazardous objects such as curbs, walls, steps, furniture and uneven surfaces.

A person with low vision may still have some useful vision especially if they see an ophthalmologist or specialist in low vision. Certain optical devices can be used to maximize the vision the patient already has so that quality of life can be maintained.

Some functional devices include eye glasses, magnifying glasses and even contact lenses. These can easily take an item that was out of focus and bring it into focus, even if it is to read a medicine bottle. Sometimes something as clever as a tinted lens or magnifier can bring the world into view and restore some aspect of low vision. Items unrelated to the eyes that seem to work in low vision are things like large print clocks and magnified writing and reading guides are also helpful.

People with low vision can undergo vision rehabilitation in which they learn strategies for safety and for getting around places both inside and outside the house. This involves a multidisciplinary team of social workers, vision rehabilitation therapists, occupational therapists, career counselors and specialists in orientation and mobility with loss of vision.

If an eye is irretrievably lost due to injury, the doctor needs to go about the process of surgically enucleating the eye, leaving behind the ocular muscles and whatever else can be salvaged. The same ocular enucleation is done for ocular tumors as is done for traumatic enucleation. Sometimes the eye is completely blind and is causing the patient a great deal of pain. An enucleation procedure is recommended in those types of cases as well.

There are three types of enucleation procedures a patient can have. The first is called an “evisceration” and involves removal of the contents of the eye with the sclera and extraocular muscles left intact. Straight “enucleation” involves removal of the eyeball itself with the eye socket and eyelids left behind. All the adjacent structures around the eye are left intact. “Exenteration” is the most severe type of procedure, reserved for certain kinds of infection and certain tumors. It involves taking the eyeball, muscles, fat and adjacent eye structures. Even the eyelids may have to be removed if there is cancer in the eyelid.

The enucleation is usually followed by placement of a false eye that best matches the existing eye. They eye usually sits snugly in the eye socket and allow the individual to avoid wearing a simple eye patch.

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