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Concussion - Brain Injury Lawyer - Accident Compensation Claims - Canada

LAWYER HELPLINE: 855 804 7125

If you sustain a concussion due to the negligence of others you may need to seek legal advice from a brain injury lawyer with a view to making a personal injury compensation claim for your TBI, especially if it was due to the negligence of another person. You should seek the advice of a qualified lawyer who specializes in personal injury cases with expertise in traumatic brain injury and head trauma damages. The consultation is free and you only have to pay if there are damages awarded for the injuries.

Concussion Trauma Overview

A Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a serious condition even in its “mild” form, commonly known as a “concussion”. The after-effects of any trauma to the brain may take many days, weeks or months to become evident. If these signs are not noted as the possible after-effects of a TBI, the situation can quickly deteriorate.


Trauma: A Greek word for “wound” and, when related to a TBI, refers to a sudden shock or sudden pressure on the brain.

Concussion: Also described as mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI), a concussion is a short loss of consciousness that usually results in complete recovery.


When the brain sustains a rapid deceleration for any reason, the protective layers that surround it are unable to prevent the heavier mass of the brain from “bouncing” against the solid bone of the skull. One outcome from this type of event is concussion and can result in unconsciousness. However, it should be noted that concussion can occur even if there was no loss of consciousness. Many people who have sustained such an injury are not aware of it until symptoms occur days, weeks or months later.


Concussion is especially common in children, infants and toddlers as well as in the elderly. In young children, irritability is most common and the child is listless, sleeps at odd times, eats little or nothing and shows little interest in the toys they normally like. Unsteadiness is common and loss of balance is also common. Medical attention should be sought if the child has had a head injury and exhibits any of the above signs and symptoms. It is sometimes difficult to tell the difference between a simple concussion and a more serious brain injury. Blunt trauma to the head can be a factor in children’s injuries but shaken baby syndrome can be the cause as well.

Causes and Symptoms

A mild TBI or concussion is the most usual type of head injury and can occur at any time and in any way. The potential causes are so great that they can only be generally described as what happens when a head in motion encounters a stationary object or vice-versa.

It is easy for symptoms of a mild TBI to go unnoticed because sufferers often forget they have sustained a head injury after they seemingly recover. Accordingly, when they develop symptoms like severe headaches, they medicate and dismiss them as normal. There are some tell-tale signs of mild head injury that should always be taken seriously up to 6 months after the event. These include:


The biggest problem with mild brain trauma is that the symptoms are not necessarily present at the time of the injury. It is up to the people around the sufferer to notice signs like irritability, uncharacteristic depression, complaints about frequent headaches and forgetfulness as the sufferer may not know they are experiencing anything unusual.

However, when admitted to a medical facility in the days or weeks after the injury, the patient can be diagnosed by means of an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), CT (computed tomography) scan or other scanning equipment, depending on the severity.

Mis-diagnosis or late diagnosis of brain trauma or concussion can give rise to a medical malpractice compensation claim.


After a trip to the doctor, rest, a cold compress, and medication to minimise the symptoms are typical ways to treat a concussion. This is generally adhered to for a week or two after the injury in order to be most effective. Medically, treatment of this condition is almost never surgical, so anti-inflammatory drugs can be administered to reduce any swelling and, if necessary, anti-convulsant drugs can be prescribed as a follow up. However, anti-convulsant medications are normally only reserved for a more severe TBI.

Negligent treatment of brain trauma or concussion can give rise to a medical malpractice compensation claim.


It is only in unusual circumstances that the sufferer of concussion is left with permanent brain damage or, in fact, symptoms of any sort, so the prognosis for this condition is excellent.


Concussions can be avoided by wearing the appropriate protective helmet in sports, including cycling, riding horses, playing football, skiing, or skating. Children should always use a seatbelt or appropriate restraining device, even for short trips. The home should be made as fall proof as possible, including getting rid of throw rugs, having handles on stairs and sometimes having handles in the tub. Edges of tables and counter tops should be padded when toddlers are around so that the child doesn’t run into the edges and get a concussion. Use window guards so windows can’t be opened and so that children don’t fall out.

Concussion Lawyers

Our brain injury lawyers are experts who deal with personal injury compensation settlements using a contingent fee arrangement which means that if you don’t succeed in claiming damages you pay nothing at all. Our concussion lawyers offer advice at no cost with no further obligation and will tell you there and then whether or not we believe that you have a viable claim and the anticipated potential financial settlement.

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